Grupo 8


This noninvasive laser treatment uses gentle beams of light to get rid of hair. The hair’s melanin (the part that gives hair its color) absorbs the light, which turns into heat. The heat damages the follicle (but not the surrounding skin or tissue) and prevents it from producing more hair. Laser hair removal can treat hair anywhere on the face or body. Women often treat the bikini area, chin, upper lip, and legs. Men can safely eliminate unwanted hair from places such as their chests and backs.
Beautiful Young Black Female Showing Her Smooth Armpit And Ok Gesture, Happy African American Woman Lifting Hand, Enjoying Underarm Depilation Result, Standing On Gray Studio Background, Copy Space

What Is the Treatment Like?

Administered by an experienced licensed technician, a small hand-held laser device used to deliver the light beams is placed on the treatment area. Some patients might experience some mild discomfort during the session-like the feeling of a rubber band snapping against your skin. During the procedure you’ll wear laser safety goggles to protect your eyes from the laser light.

For each treatment area, we typically schedule 6 sessions about 4 to 6 weeks apart.

Am I A Candidate?

Laser hair removal works when the light beams are absorbed by the melanin in the hair shaft and follicle. People with dark hair are considered the best candidates. light yellow, gray, and ginger hair may not absorb the laser light. Our laser can treat all skin colors even people that have been lightly exposed to the sun and are currently tan.

Each person responds differently to laser hair removal. Some may require more treatments than others. And sometimes laser hair removal can’t eliminate hair completely if there is a hormonal imbalance. If some hair does grow back, it’s usually thinner and finer than before the treatment.


What Can I Expect Before and After Treatment?

Before Your Treatment

You can prepare for laser hair removal by not waxing or plucking hairs in the treatment area for 4 weeks before your treatment; hair follicles must be present to be treated. You can still shave and, in fact, you’ll be asked to shave your treatment area 24 hours or less before your scheduled appointment.


After Your Treatment

There may be some redness or bumps immediately after the treatment, but nothing expected to keep you from your daily activities. You don’t need time to recover after your session, so you can participate in almost all your regular activities immediately after your appointment. You should, however, avoid direct sun exposure after treatment.